Can Black Roses Come to Real Life?

The Truth About Black Roses 

Black roses, Black Rose
Black roses, Black Rose—jeffk (

For many years many people have tried to find out where to buy black roses and where to get them.  According to Steve Defretus also known as Mr. Green Thumb; perfect black roses do not exist but  you can experiment and go in the direction of creating a black rose.

Remember in your 6th grade science class you learned that the anthers of a flower are the male part.  If the pollen from the anthers are taken from a dark colored purple rose or flowers from a variety of colors that make up a dark color; then a person can very well be on their way to bringing that black rose to life.  By rubbing the pollen with the rose you are can accomplish and yield  black roses.

Let’s face it; everyone wants something that they cannot have and real black roses falls into that want but can’t have category.  With a little knowledge from your 6th grade science class,  a variety of dark color flowers, pollen, anthers, a little patience and perseverance,  a black rose can be brought to life.

Mr. Green Thumb says that if you keep rubbing the pollen from a dark colored flower into a rose; eventually the rose will turn black.  As the roses mutate; generations of the black roses will form and they will come to real life.

It may take awhile but staying focused and patient will pay off.  So if you are looking to make your own black roses you will have to pretty much have to breed and mate other colors of roses to get as close to the black roses you desire.  If you are not interested in breeding different roses to make a black rose; perhaps you can consider a black roses delivery to your home.



Click Here to Order Real Tinted Black Roses