Black Rose Petals

…. Will you answer this simple question …..?

GAH! My God, my God! What d'ya think of this whole world? If the dream is the hope, why not dream? If a smile is love, why is so hard to smile? If the fire is the passion, why I'm so cold? If a red rose is the devotion, why my black rose petals? If a tear is emotion, "Why am I so numb? If a needle is the medicine, why do I feel so bad? If a single breath is life, why I'm drowning …? So what do you think, I did not write. A friend did. * Star if you thought you were sad? Thanks stone. x This is the image she created to go with it. It is not his best work of art and only took about 5 minutes, but I still think it's pretty good. Use this link if you are a member of Flickr: @ N0 … in this link is the image of orange in the first place: @ N06/HXpL1W:)

as I said before it is really God s; baught D a tear to my eye: ') x

Black rose-Trapt (lyrics)

[affmage source=”cj” results=”30″]black rose petals[/affmage]
[affmage source=”clickbank” results=”20″]black rose petals[/affmage]